SDEF Vertebrate Fauna Database
AMPHIBIANS and REPTILES: Genus: Species: Common name: Community: Status and Distribution:
NEWTS Taricha  torosa California Newt Rip, Resv, FrM Common, may be reduced
LUNGLESS SALAMANDERS Ensatina  eschscholtzi Ensatin ChC, MxC, Rip, BDF, Plt Locally common
LUNGLESS SALAMANDERS Batrachoseps pacificus Pacific Slender Salamander OkW Locally common
LUNGLESS SALAMANDERS Aneides lugubris Arboreal Salamander OkW Locally common
SPADEFOOT TOADS Schaphiopus hammondi Western Spadefoot Rip Fairly common
TRUE TOADS Bufo boreas Western Toad ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt FrM Common
TREEFROGS AND RELATIVES Hyla cadaverina California Treefrog Rip, Resv, FrM Common
TREEFROGS AND RELATIVES Hyla regilla Pacific Treefrog Rip, ChC, MxC, OkW, Resv, FrM Most abundant anuran in the San Gabriel Mountains.
TRUE FROGS Rana aurora Red-legged Frog Rip Uncommon
TRUE FROGS Rana boylei Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Rip San Gabriel River drainage, may represent a relict population
TRUE FROGS Rana muscosa Mtn. Yellow-legged Frog Rip Most common Rana species
POND AND MARSH TURTLES Clemmys marmorata Western Pond Turtle Rip, Resv, FrM Rare
IGUANIDS Crotaphytus insulari Desert Collared Lizard Rip Scarce; found only in unshaded canyon bottoms and dry rocky stream beds up to 5500 ft
IGUANIDS Sceloporus occidentalis Western Fence Lizard ChC, OkW, BDF, Plt, Rip Most common lizard in the mountains, abundant
IGUANIDS Uta  stansburiana Side-blotched Lizard Rip, MxC, ChC, OkW Common
IGUANIDS Phrynosoma coronatum Coast Horned Lizard ChC Abundant, may be reduced from former numbers
SKINKS Eumeces skiltonianus Western Skink ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt No records on forest, but should be there
SKINKS Eumeces gilberti Gilbert Skink Rip, OkW Rare in mountains, associated with oak savannah
WHIPTAILS AND RELATIVES Cnemidophorus tigris Western Whiptail Rip, ChC, BDF, Plt, OkW Third most common lizard after S. occidentalis and U. stansburiana
ALLIGATORS, LIZARDS, & RELATIVES Elgaria multicarinatus Southern Alligator Lizard Rip, OkW, BDF, ChC, MxC Common
CALIFORNIA LEGLESS LIZARDS Anniella nigra California Legless Lizard OkW, Rip Uncommon
SLENDER BLIND SNAKES Leptotyphlops humilis Western Blind Snake Rip, ChC Rare (scarce--an artifact of collecting methods?)
BOAS Lichanura trivirgata Rosy Boa ChC, Rip, MxC Uncommon
COLUBRIDS Diadophis punctatus Ringneck Snake OkW, Rip Common
COLUBRIDS Coluber constrictor Racer OkW, Rip Rare
COLUBRIDS Masticophis flagellam Coachwhip CoS May not be on forest; rare; observed near Claremont
COLUBRIDS Masticophis lateralis California Whipsnake ChC, OkW, Rip Abundant; most abundant snake in San Gabriels
COLUBRIDS Salvadora hexalepis Western Patch-nosed Snake ChC, OkW, Rip Uncommon
COLUBRIDS Pituophis` melanoleucus Gopher Snake MxC, ChC, OkW, BDF, Pllt, Rip Common
COLUBRIDS Lampropeltis getulus Common Kingsnake ChC, Rip, OkW Common up to 1900 ft
COLUBRIDS Lampropeltis zonata California Mountain Kingsnake Rip, ChC, BDF, Plt Common, replaces L. getulus above 1500 ft
COLUBRIDS Rhinocheilus lecontei Long-nosed Snake ChC, MxC May not be present on SDEF: Scarce
COLUBRIDS Thamnopis hammandii Two-striped Garter Snake Rip, Resv, FrM Common
COLUBRIDS Tantilla planiceps California Black-headed Snake ChC, MxC, Rip Rare; may not be in SDEF; or may just be hard to find
COLUBRIDS Trimorphodon biscutatus Lyre Snake ChC, MxC Rare; one specimen from Claremont
COLUBRIDS Hypsiglena torquata Night Snake ChC, MxC Rare: no specimens except near Claremont
VIPERS Crotalus vividis Western Rattlesnake Rip, OkW, ChC, MxC, BDF, Plt Abundant
GREBES Podilymbus podiceps Pied-billed Grebe Resv Fairly common resident; breeding not confirmed
GREBES Podiceps nigricollis Eared Grebe Resv, FrM Common winter visitant; breeds locally and ephemerally; no breeding record for SDEF
CORMORANTS Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested Cormorant Resv Uncommon winter visitant
HERONS AND BITTERNS Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron Resv, FrM Fairly common winter and summer visitant
HERONS AND BITTERNS Egretta thula Snowy Egret Resv, FrM Uncommon winter visitant and transient
HERONS AND BITTERNS Butorides striatus Green-backed Heron Rip, FrM, Resv Uncommon to fairly common resident
HERONS AND BITTERNS Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night Heron Rip, FrM, Resv Uncommon to rare resident nested in 1936
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas crecca Green-winged Teal FrM, Resv Uncommon winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas platyrhynchos Mallard FrM, Resv Fairly common to common winter visitant; uncommon in summer
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas acuta Northern Pintail FrM, Resv Common winter visitant; uncommon local nester; nesting not confirmed on the SDEF
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal FrM, Resv Common spring and fall transient; uncommon winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler FrM, Resv Common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas strepera Gadwall FrM, Resv Uncommon winter visitant and transient
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Anas americana American Wigeon FrM, Resv Common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Aythya valisineria Canvasback Resv Fairly common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Aythya americana Redhead FrM, Resv Uncommon winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Aythya collaris Ring-necked duck Resv Fairly common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup Resv Common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Bucephala albeola Bufflehead Resv Fairly common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Mergus merganser Common Merganser Resv` Uncommon to fairly common winter visitant
DUCKS AND RELATIVES Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy duck FrM, Resv Common winter visitant
AMERICAN VULTURES Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, Plt, Resv Uncommon transient and summer visitant
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Pandion haliaetus Osprey Resv Rare fall and winter visitant and transient; sometimes observed in late spring and summer
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite Grass, FrM, OkW Uncommon resident; no nesting records for SDEF
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Circus cyaneus Northern Harrier Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, Frm, Resv
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk Rip, OkW, Plt Fairly common winter visitant; nesting records exist for Icehouse and Cyns. adjacent SDEF
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Accipiter cooperii Cooper's Hawk CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, Plt Uncommon resident; breeds
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered Hawk Rip, BDF, Plt Uncommon resident; breeds
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk All except Resv, FrM Common resident; breeds
HAWKS AND HARRIERS Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle CoS, MxC, ChC, OkW, Grass Uncommon resident; breeds adjacent to SDEF
FALCONS Falco sparverius American Kestrel All except Resv, FrM Common resident; breeds
FALCONS Falco mexicanus Prairie Falcon CoS, MxC, ChC, Grass, OkW Uncommon transient
QUAILS, PHEASANTS, AND RELATIVES Callipepla californica California Quail CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common resident; breeds
QUAILS, PHEASANTS, AND RELATIVES Oreortyx pictus Mountain Quail MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; breeding not confirmed
RAILS, GALLINULES, AND COOTS Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen FrM Uncommon winter visitant
RAILS, GALLINULES, AND COOTS Fulica americana American Coot FrM, Resv Common winter visitant
PLOVERS AND RELATIVES Charadrius vociferus Kildeer Resv Common resident; influx of winter visitants; breeds
SANDPIPERS AND RELATIVES Actitis macularia Spotted Sandpiper Resv, FrM Uncommon summer transient
SANDPIPERS AND RELATIVES Calidris mauri Western Sandpiper Resv, FrM Rare fall migrant, winter visitant
SANDPIPERS AND RELATIVES Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe Resv, FrM, Rip Uncommon winter visitant
GULLS AND RELATIVES Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull Resv Uncommon winter visitant
GULLS AND RELATIVES Larus californicus California Gull Resv Uncommon winter visitant
PIGEONS AND DOVES Columba livia Rock Dove Human habitation Abundant resident; breeds
PIGEONS AND DOVES Columba fasciata Band-tailed Pigeon MxC, OkW, Plt, BDF Common resident; breeds
PIGEONS AND DOVES Streptopelia chinensis Spotted Dove Human habitation Common resident; breeds
PIGEONS AND DOVES Zenaida macroura Mourning Dove CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon resident; breeds
TYPICAL CUCKOOS Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed cuckoo Rip Extirpated
TYPICAL CUCKOOS Geococcyx californianus Greater Roadrunner CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW Uncommon resident; breeds
BARN OWL Tyto alba Common Barn-Owl CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW Uncommon resident; breeding not confirmed on SDEF
TYPICAL OWLS Otus kennicottii Western Screech-Owl CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon resident; breeds
TYPICAL OWLS Bubo virginianus Great Horned Owl CoS, MxC, ChC, OkW, BDF, Plt, Grass Common resident; breeds
TYPICAL OWLS Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl Grass Rare; status unclear; possibly extirpated
TYPICAL OWLS Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; breeds
TYPICAL OWLS Asio otus Long-eared Owl Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Rare transient
TYPICAL OWLS Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl Grass, FrM Rare migrant
TYPICAL OWLS Aegolius acadicus Northern Saw-whet Owl Rip, OkW, BDF Rare winter migrant
GOATSUCKERS Chordeiltes minor Common Nighthawk Rip, BDF, Grass, OkW, Resv, FrM Rare summer migrant
GOATSUCKERS Phalaenoptilus nuttallii Common Poorwill CoS, MxC, ChC Fairly common resident; breeds
SWIFTS Cypseloides niger Black Swift MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, FrM, Resv Rare transient
SWIFTS Chaetura vauxi Vaux's Swift All Fairly common transient in spring and fall
SWIFTS Aeronautes saxatalis White-throated Swift All Fairly common resident; breeds
HUMMINGBIRDS Archilochus alexandri Black-chinned Hummingbird Rip, CoS, MxC, OkW Common summer resident; breeds
HUMMINGBIRDS Calypte  anna Anna's Hummingbird CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Abundant resident; breeds
HUMMINGBIRDS Calypte costae Costa's Hummingbird CoS, MxC, ChC, Fairly common summer resident; breeds
HUMMINGBIRDS Stellula caliope Calliope Hummingbird CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip Uncommon migrant
HUMMINGBIRDS Selasphorus rufus Rufous Hummingbird CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common transient
HUMMINGBIRDS Selasphorus asin Allen's Hummingbird CoS, MxC, Rip, BDF, OkW Common migrant
KINGFISHER Ceryle alcyon Belted Kingfisher Rip Uncommon transient and winter visitant
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Melanerpes lewis Lewis' Woodpecker Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Rare winter visitant; irruptive species; can be common 
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Melanerpes formicivorus Acorn Woodpecker Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common resident; breeds
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Rip, OkW, BDF Rare fall transient and possible winter visitant
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Sphyrapicus ruber Red-breasted Sapsucker Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; breeds
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Sphyrapicus thyroideus Williamson's Sapsucker BDF Uncommon resident; breeds at higher elevations adjacent to SDEF
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Picoides nuttallii Nutall's Woodpecker Rip, OkW, BDF, MxC Common resident; breeds
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Picoides pubescens Downy Woodpecker Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; breeds
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Picoides villosus Hairy Woodpecker Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident; breeds
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Picoides albolarvatus White-headed Woodpecker BDF Rare breeding resident; uncommon winter visitant
WOODPECKERS AND RELATIVES Colaptes auratus Northern Flicker MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common resident; breeds; winter downslope movement
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Contopus borealis Olive-sided Flycatcher Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon summer resident; breeds
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Contopus sordidulus Western Wood-Pewee Rip, OkW, BDF Common summer resident; breeds
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Empidonax traillii Willow Flycatcher Rip, OkW Rare fall transient; former breeder
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Empidonax hammondii Hammond's Flycatcher MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Rare migrant
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Empidonax oberholseri Dusky Flycatcher MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Rare migrant
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Empidonax wrightii Gray Flycatcher MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Rare migrant
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Empidonax difficilis Western Flycatcher Rip, OkW, BDF Common summer resident; breeds
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Sayornis nigricans Black Phoebe Rip Fairly common resident; breeds
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Sayornis saya Say's Phoebe CoS, MxC, OkW Uncommon transient and winter visitant
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Myiarchus cinerascens Ash-throated Flycatcher CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common summer resident; breeds
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Tyrannus vociferans Cassin's Kingbird Rip, OkW, BDF Rare summer resident; possible breeding
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Tyrannus verticalis Western Kingbird CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, OkW Fairly common summer resident; breeds
LARKS Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark Grass Fairly common transient and irregular winter visitant
SWALLOWS Tachycineta bicolor Tree Swallow All Uncommon migrant
SWALLOWS Tachycineta thalassina Violet-green Swallow All Fairly common summer resident at higher elevations; breeds
SWALLOWS Stelgidopteryx serripennis Northern Rough-winged Swallow CoS, MxC, ChC, OkW, Rip, FrM, Resv Uncommon migrant
SWALLOWS hirundo pyrrhonta Cliff Swallow All, especially Rip and Resv Common summer resident
SWALLOWS Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip, FrM, Resv, OkW Uncommon migrant
JAYS, MAGPIES, AND CROWS Cyanocitta stelleri Steller's Jay MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident; breeds
JAYS, MAGPIES, AND CROWS Aphelocoma coerulescens Scrub Jay CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Common resident; breeds
JAYS, MAGPIES, AND CROWS Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt, Grass Fairly common resident; breeds
JAYS, MAGPIES, AND CROWS Corvus corax Common Raven CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF, Plt, Grass Common resident; breeding unrecorded
TITMICE Parus gambeli Mountain Chickadee Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common resident; breeds
TITMICE Parus inornatus Plain Titmouse CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Common resident; breeds
BUSHTIT Psaltriparus minimus Bushtit CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common resident; breeds
NUTHATCHES Sitta canadensis Red-breasted Nuthatch BDF Irregular fall and winter visitant
NUTHATCHES Sitta carolinensis White-breasted Nuthatch Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; breeds
NUTHATCHES Sitta  pygmaea Pygmy Nuthatch BDF Uncommon resident and winter visitant; breeding
CREEPERS Certhia americana Brown Creeper OkW, BDF Uncommon resident and rare winter visitant at lower elevations; breeds
WRENS Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus Cactus Wren CoS, MxC Very local resident; breeds
WRENS Salpinctis obsoletus Rock Wren ChC, MxC Uncommon resident in suitable rocky habitats; breeds
WRENS Catherpes mexicanus Canyon Wren ChC, MxC, Rip Common but local resident in rocky canyons; breeds
WRENS Thryomanes bewickii Bewick's Wren CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW Common resident; breeds
WRENS Troglodytes aedon House Wren CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW Common summer resident; breeds
WRENS Troglodytes troglodytes Winter Wren Rip Very rare transient and winter visitant
WRENS Cistothorus palustris Marsh Wren FrM Rare winter visitant
DIPPERS Cinclus mexicanus American Dipper Rip Rare and very local resident; unrecorded breeding
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Regulus calendula Ruby-crowned Kinglet CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW Common transient and winter visitant; breeding localized
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Polioptila caerulea Blue-gray Gnatcatcher CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW Fairly common summer resident; breeds
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Polioptila melanura Black-tailed Gnatcatcher CoS Very rare resident; may be extirpated from the SDEF and adjacent habitat
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Sialia mexicana Western Bluebird MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon resident; breeds; erratic movement downslope in winter
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Salia currucoides Mountain Bluebird OkW, BDF, Grass Uncommon winter visitant; breeds at higher montane woodlands adjacent to SDEF
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Myadestes townsendi Townsend's Solitaire Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common resident; breeds; some winter movement
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Catharus ustulatus Swainson's Thrush Rip Rare summer resident
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Catharus guttatus Hermit Thrush CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common winter visitant
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Turdus migratorius American Robin MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident; irruptive winter visitant
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Ixoreus naevius Varied Thrush Rip, OkW, BDF Rare and irregular winter visitant
OLDWORLD WARBLERS, GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS, THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS, AND WRENTITS Chamaea fasciata Wrentit CoS, MxC, ChC, Rip Common resident; breeds; Common winter visitant to the lower elevations
MOCKINGBIRDS AND THRASHERS Mimus polyglottos Northern Mockingbird CoS, ChC, MxC, Plt Common resident at lower elevations; breeds
MOCKINGBIRDS AND THRASHERS Toxostoma redivivum California Thrasher Cos, ChC, MxC, Rip Common resident; breeds
PIPITS Anthus spinoletta Water Pipit Resv, Grass Fairly common transient and winter visitant
WAXWINGS Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar Waxwing CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Irregular, fairly common transient and winter visitant
SILKY FLYCATCHERS Phainopepla nitens Phainopepla CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW Fairly common resident; breeds
SHRIKES Lanius ludovicianus Loggerhead Shrike CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW Fairly common resident; breeds
STARLINGS Sturnus vulgaris European Starling OkW, BDF, Plt Abundant resident with a winter influx at lower elevations; breeds
TYPICAL VIREOS Vireo belli Least Bell's Vireo Rip Very rare summer resident; probably extirpated
TYPICAL VIREOS Vireo solitarius Solitary Vireo Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon transient and summer visitant; breeds
TYPICAL VIREOS Vireo huttoni Hutton's Vireo MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common resident; breeds
TYPICAL VIREOS Vireo gilvus Warbling Vireo Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon transient and summer resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Vermivora celata Orange-crowned Warbler CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common summer resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Vermivora ruficapilla Nashville Warbler CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Dendroica petechia Yellow Warbler Rip, OkW Common transient; locally uncommon summer transient; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Dendroica coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Dendroica nigrescens Black-throated Gray Warbler CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Common transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Dendroica townsendi Townsend's Warbler CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common transient; uncommon winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Dendroica accidentalis Hermit Warbler CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat Rip Fairly common resident; local seasonal movement; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Wilsonia  pusilla Wilson's Warbler Rip, OkW Common migrant; uncommon summer resident; breeding declining
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Piranga ludoviciana Western Tanager Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common summer resident and common transient; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Pheucticus melanocephalus Black-headed Grosbeak CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common transient and summer resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Guiraca caerulea Blue Grosbeak Rip Very rare to uncommon transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Passerina amoena Lazuli Bunting CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip Fairly common transient and summer resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Pipilo chlorurus Green-tailed Towhee ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF Uncommon summer resident and rare transient at lower elevations; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Pipilo erythrophthalmus Rufous-sided Towhee CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Pipilo fuscus Brown Towhee CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Common resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Aimophila ruficeps Rufous-crowned Sparrow CoS, ChC, MxC Uncommon resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Spizella passerina Chipping Sparrow OkW, BDF, Grass Uncommon summer resident and transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Spizella atrogularis Black-chinned Sparrow CoS, ChC, MxC Uncommon summer resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Chondestes grammacus Lark Sparrow OkW, BDF Uncommon resident; some winter movement; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Amphispiza belli Sage Sparrow CoS, ChC Uncommon local resident; breeding not confirmed
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah Sparrow Grass, FrM Fairly common transient and winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Passerella Iliaca Fox Sparrow CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common summer resident; uncommon winter visitant; breed
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Melospiza melodia Song Sparrow Rip, FrM, OkW Common resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Melospiza lincolnii Lincoln's Sparrow Rip, FrM Uncommon winter visitant, local summer resident; breeding not confirmed
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Zonotrichia atricapilla Golden-crowned Sparrow CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW Fairly common winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Zonotrichia leucophrys White-crowned Sparrow CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW Common winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Junco hyemalis Dark-eyed Junco CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident and common winter visitant, breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Agelaius phoeniceus Red-winged Blackbird Rip, FrM Uncommon transient and resident; breeding not confirmed
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Sturnella neglecta Western Meadowlark Grass Uncommon local resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Euphagus cyanocephalus Brewer/s Blackbird Grass, FrM Fairly common resident at lower elevations; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Molothrus ater Bronw-headed Cowbird Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common summer resident and winter visitant; parasitic breeder
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Icterus cucullatus Hooded Oriole Rip, OkW, BDF Rare to uncommon summer resident; breeding not confirmed
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Icterus galbula Northern Oriole Rip, OkW, BDF Fairly common summer resident and transient; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carpodacus purpureus Purple Finch MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident; breeds at higher elevations; erratic winter visitant at lower elevations
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carpodacus cassinii Cassin's Finch Rip, OkW, BDF Common resident; breeds at higher elevations; some winter movement to lower elevations
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carpodacus mexicanus House Finch CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt, Grass Abundant resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill BDF Rare and erratic winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carduelis pinus Pine Siskin ChC, MxC, Rip, BDF, Plt Fairly common resident and erratic winter visitant at lower elevations
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carduelis psaltria Lesser Goldfinch CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Fairly common resident; breeds
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carduelis lawrencei Lawrence's Goldfinch CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon transient
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Carduelis tristis American Goldfinch Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon winter visitant
WOOD WARBLERS, SPARROWS, BLACKBIRDS, AND RELATIVES Coccothraustes vespertinus Evening Grosbeak OkW, BDF Rare to uncommon irruptive winter visitant
WEAVER FINCHES Passer domesticus House Sparrow Urban dwellings Abundant breeder
OPOSSUMS Didelphis virginian Virginia Opossum All Rare; found below 3500 ft; active yearlong; nocturnal
LEAF-NOSED BATS Macrotus californicus California Leaf-nosed Bat All Uncommon; found below 2000 ft; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Myotis lucifugus Little Brown Myotis ChC, MxC, Rip, FrM, OkW, BDF, Resv Rare; primarily found above 5000 ft; hibernator; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Myotis evotis Long-eared Myotis All Uncommon; all elevations; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Myotis thysanodes Fringed Myotis All Uncommon; all elevations; hibernator; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Myotis californicus California Myotis All Rare;found below 6000 ft; hibernator; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Myotis leibii Small-footed Myotis All Uncommon; all elevations; hibernator; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Pipistrellus hesperus Western Pipistrelle All Rare; found below 7000 ft; hibernator; crespuscular
VESPERTILIONID BATS Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat All Rare; found below 8000 ft; hibernator; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Lasiurus borealis Red Bat Grass, CoS, ChC Status and distribution complex; uncommon; summers above 1000 ft, spring and fall below 3900 ft; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Lasiurus cinereus Hoary Bat All Rare; found below 1500 ft; active yearlong; nocturnal
VESPERTILIONID BATS Euderma maculatum Spotted Bat All but Plt Very rare; may be extirpated from SDEF
VESPERTILIONID BATS Antrozous pallidus Pallid Bat All but Resv. Rare; found below 6000 ft; hibernator; crespuscular
FREE-TAILED BATS Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian Free-tailed BAt All Rare; found below 4000 ft; hibernator; nocturnal
FREE-TAILED BATS Eumops perotis Western Mastiff Bat All Rare; found below 6000 ft; nocturnal
RABBITS AND HARES Sylvilagus bachmani Brush Rabbit CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common to abundant; found below 7000 ft; active yearlong; nocturnal
RABBITS AND HARES Sylvilagus audubonii Desert Cottontail Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Common; found below 7000 ft; active yearlong; nocturnal
RABBITS AND HARES Lepus californicus Black-tailed Hare Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Uncommon; all elevations; active yearlong
SQUIRRELS AND CHIPMUNKS Spermophilus beecheyi California Ground Squirrel Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF, Plt Common yearlong at all elevations; diurnal.
SQUIRRELS AND CHIPMUNKS Sciurus griseus Western Gray Squirrel Rip, OkW, BDF Rare; may be extirpated; diurnal
POCKET MICE AND KANGAROO RATS Perognathus  californicus California Pocket Mouse Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF Common yearlong at all elevations; nocturnal
POCKET MICE AND KANGAROO RATS Dipodomys agilis Pacific Kangaroo Rat Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC Abundant yearlong at all elevations; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Reithrodontomys megalotis Western Harvest Mouse Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Occurs below 2000 ft; abundant yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Peromyscus californicus California Mouse CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF, Plt Common at all elevations yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Peromyscus maniculatus Deer Mouse CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF, Plt Found at all elevations; abundant yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Peromyscus boylii Brush Mouse CoS, ChC, MxC, OkW, BDF Occurs at all elevations; uncommon yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Neotoma lepida Desert Woodrat Grass, CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, Plt Found at all elevations; uncommon yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Neotoma fuscipes Dusky-footed Woodrat CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW,  BDF.Plt Common at all elevations yearlong; nocturnal
DEER MICE, VOLES, AND RELATIVES Microtus californicus California Vole Grass, CoS, Rip, OkW Common at all elevations; diurnal and nocturnal
FOXES, WOLVES, AND RELATIVES Canis latrans Coyote All except Resv Common at all elevatons; yearlong; diurnal and nocturnal
FOXES, WOLVES, AND RELATIVES Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray Fox All except Resv Common below 5200 ft elevations; yearlong; nocturnal
BEARS Ursus americanus Black Bear CoS, MxC, Rip, FrM, OkW, BDF, Plt Uncommon between 1300 ft to 9800 ft elevations; hibernator; diurnal and nocturnal
RACCOONS AND RELATIVES Bassariscus astutus Ringtail All except Resv, OkW Uncommon below 5900 ft elevations; hibernator; nocturnal
RACCOONS AND RELATIVES Procyon lotor Raccoon All `Common at all elevations; hibernator; nocturnal
WEASELS, BADGERS, AND RELATIVES Mustela frenata Long-tailed Weasel All except Resv Rare to uncommon at all elevations; yearlong; nocturnal and diurnal
WEASELS, BADGERS, AND RELATIVES Taxidea taxus Badger All except Resvm, OkW Rare at all elevations; hibernator, diurnal and nocturnal
WEASELS, BADGERS, AND RELATIVES Spilogale gracilis Western Spotted Skunk All except Resv Rare; below 5400 ft; hibernator, nocturnal
WEASELS, BADGERS, AND RELATIVES Mephitis mephitis Striped Skunk All except Resv Rare at all elevations, hibernator; nocturnal
CATS Felis concolor Mountain Lion CoS, ChC, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Scarce; all elevations; yearlong activity; diurnal and nocturnal
CATS Lynx rufus Bobcats All except Resv, Grass Rare at all elevations; yearlong activity; diurnal and nocturnal
DEER Odocoileus hemionus Mule Deer All Common at all elevations; yearlong activity; diurnal and nocturnal
SHEEP Ovis canadensis nelsoni Nelson's Bighorn Sheep Grass, CoS, MxC, Rip, OkW, BDF Scarce; above 3000 ft elevations; diurnal activity yearlong